Multiple reports say the Switch 2 has been pushed back until early 2025 – WGB


It’s time to speculate about the inevitable Switch 2 yet again, but this time numerous sources are corroborating information which suggests Nintendo’s next console has been delayed until next year.

The news began circulating when Brazilian journalist Pedro Henrique Lutti Lippe claimed that five separate sources had told him that Nintendo has pushed the Switch 2’s planned 2024 launch into Q1 of 2025.

VGC then published an update to their own article stating that several of their sources had confirmed the news and that Nintendo had made the call so they could have time to work on more first-party titles to launch alongside the new machine.

Eurogamer corroborated this information with their own sources: “The console’s launch moving into early next year – but still within the coming financial year – is designed to ensure Switch 2’s launch line-up features as many titles as possible, Eurogamer understands.”

Finally, Bloomberg has also entered the fray and confirmed that they have heard similar things: “Nintendo Co. is advising game publishers that its next-generation console will be delayed until the early months of 2025, according to people with knowledge of the matter,” it said.

“Nintendo has told some publishing executives not to expect the console until March 2025 at the earliest.“

Speaking in an earnings call recently, Nintendo said the Switch would continue to be its main focus going into 2024 and that it would share plans regarding the next fiscal year in May. That fiscal year will run into April 2025.

In that same earnings call, we also found out that the Switch continues to do very well and is closing in on becoming the best-selling piece of Nintendo hardware to date. Given its success, it isn’t surprising that Nintendo feel like they can take their time constructing the next iteration which is wildly believed to similar to the existing Switch in that it will be a handheld/console hybrid.

We also know that numerous developers are actively building games for Nintendo’s next console. The GDC’s State of the Game Industry report revealed that out of 3000 developers polled, around 240 of them admitted to working on the Switch’s successor.

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