The Riftbreaker Review – Awesome Blend of RTS, Survival & Action – WGB, Home of AWESOME Reviews


So many games these days release broken or have their review code held back until the very last minute because the developers and the publisher aren’t confident about the reception. It’s so refreshing when indie developers come along and are proud and confident of their work. So confident, in fact, that Exor Studios have a demo of The Riftbreaker available to play, plus the Prologue. That confidence is well-founded, though, because while The Riftbreaker does have some problems it’s also a great blending of genres, combining base-building and some good ‘ol fashioned shootin’.

The mixture could easily have felt generic, a garbage smoothie that makes you spew across the kitchen like the world’s most disgusting fire hydrant. Somehow, though, the concoction isn’t just drinkable, it’s kind of delicious. It’s a shame about the bugs in it, though. Not the bugs you’re thinking of, though. You see, there is a touch of Starship Troopers in that gloriously gloopy mix in the form of an alien planet teeming with bugs that all want to murder you. Don’t hold that against them, though, because you’ve suddenly appeared on their planet and keep building shit on it.

Here’s the lowdown: Ashley and her mechanised suit, named Mr. Riggs, arrive on an alien planet via a rift with the goal being to establish a base and harvest the resources required to build a much larger portal device so that Earth can begin colonizing the planet properly. In a cool twist to the idea, Earth is actually doing okay and there is no pressing need for Humanity to move out of their parent’s house. Instead, it’s just about Humanity reaching out to the stars and looking to infect the rest of the universe with their godawful Pop music and rappers who can’t rap. Truly, we are a plague.

Available On: Playstion, Xbox, PC
Reviewed On: PS5 & PC
Developer: Exor Studios
Publisher: Exor Studios, Surefire Games

Review code provided by the publisher

If you’re seeking a powerful, compelling story, then best look elsewhere. Truthfully, there isn’t much going on. In the opening few hours, it does seem like the overarching story and theme might be about environmentalism, though. Ashley is a scientist and argues about trying to preserve the local wildlife and fauna, while Mr. Riggs reminds her that preservation is last on the list, below things such as survival and completing the mission. I can’t help but think that it was all thrown in at the last second though because the dialogue is entirely contradictory to the on-screen action. While the short-lived environmental debate is going on you’re usually burning hordes of bugs with a flamethrower, stomping through plants and even using the desecrated remains of the wildlife as bio-fuel. You could view it as being comedic, I suppose. It’s difficult to tell if that’s the case, however. Whatever the intentions, Ashley shuts up about preservation pretty quickly, which is fine by me – I’m all for preserving the planet, but when that planet has a whole lot of alien wildlife that wants to eat me, the only thing I intend on preserving is me.

First things first, you need to get settled in and start mining some of the basic resources needed to construct a proper headquarters. That means scouting out the randomized area to hopefully uncover a nice patch of resources, and ideally a few natural walls because otherwise, you have to cover 360-degrees of space with turrets. Whacking down structures on the Playstation 5 is as simple as hitting triangle and then navigating the menus using the shoulder buttons to find what you want. The right stick acts as the cursor for popping everything down, from defensive walls to communications arrays, or you can leave the cursor in one place and move your mech instead. I’ve been playing RTS games for years, and probably my favourite part of the genre is building a base. I don’t even really know why, it just speaks to me. The Riftbreaker hits the same way, and now that I know more about the game and what’s expected I’m looking forward to playing through again with a much better plan for my base.

I played The Riftbreaker on PS5 and it was fantastic, but there’s no getting around the fact that it was designed with PC in mind and that a mouse and keyboard let you build so much quicker. Because The Riftbreaker is available through Game Pass on both console and PC, I fired it up on my computer and found it to be so much slicker. On the console, for example, you have to hold down the left trigger to auto-build the most advanced versions of things, which means if you’re laying down a wall you have to move your character around instead of the right stick unless you’re willing to perform some occult symbolism with your hands. On PC, you just hold down the appropriate key. Easy. In short, The Riftbreaker is good, but it’s even better on a PC.

For a while, you only have to worry about three main resources: carbon, iron and power. Pockets of iron and carbon are scattered around, and solar and wind power can handle the electric needs for a little bit. It isn’t long before you start needing bigger and better tech, however, along with the more exotic materials needed to get the rift home operational. That means opening up the three substantial research trees and deciding what you want to focus on. Better sources of power like advanced solar panels and geothermal plans? Or maybe just better weapons for your mech? Base defences such as rocket towers, flamethrowers and mine layers? Or maybe you want to start investing in better mining tech? These trees offer a lot of choices and The Riftbreaker feels no need to condescendingly hold your hand, instead, there’s a fair amount of room to research new stuff in whatever order you deem best. The only nudges come from missions that need you to perform certain research, but many of those are locked until the relevant point anyway.

Shockingly, the local wildlife does not appreciate your plans to turn their home into the next McDonals Fly-Through and theme park and will attack on sight. Stuck on a planet infested with millions of creatures that don’t want you there means you spend just as much time gunning down the wildlife as you do building a base. The various types of defensive towers can help thin some of the impressively humungous hordes that will frequently come knocking, but throughout the game, you and your heavily armed mech suit remain the most powerful force for dealing with them. Luckily, portals are cheap to make so you can litter the map with fast-travel points, letting you jump back and forth when needed to deal with bigger attacks.

Combat is simple but enjoyable, and heavy on the spectacle. The locals are a varied bunch, ranging in size from swarms of tiny bastards to swarms of big bastards, all sporting different numbers of appendages and abilities. Many will simply run straight for you or the nearest wall/turret/buildings, but others like to hang back and lob balls of acid or fire. As you move through the game you’ll gain access to more ways to deal with them, from simple machine guns to flamethrowers to laser weapons. You also have mines, health packs and a few other goodies to help. As you can see from the images, my personal weapon of choice was the flamethrower. Who doesn’t like BBQ alien bug?

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